Monday, 31 March 2008

Shorthand, shorts and shots in the arm

First of all, apologies for the radio silence over the past week or so - I've been both busy and lazy. A shameful admission I know, but one that I'm now determined to get over.

So what's been going on with the preparations? I have now read the entirety of Modern China - A Very Short Introduction. As a result, I know understand the cultural, economic, social and political situations of China that saw the downfall of the Qing dynasty, the nationalist government and the communist revolution. I have not however, learnt anything useful. Nevermind - as a former history student I found it interesting as well as pointless.

I have also started going back to the gym after realising that they were still going to take my money even if I ignored them. I went back for the first time in about a month this morning, and felt my legs give out after a fairly embarrassing mile on the treadmill. The exercise bike proved slightly more successful, cycling 3 and a half miles. I should have my iPod repaired and back with me soon though, which should make the experience a lot less painful. Nothing like some Maiden to sprint along to.

After a (far too long) gap, I'm back learning the shorthand as well. At the moment it's a refresher course for myself - reminding myself of the alphabet and basic words. It's one of the benefits of unemployment, that you have the opportunity to take such courses. Assuming that you are able to resist the pull of Facebook.

Finally, the doctors appointment has been arranged for the 'discussion' about what vaccinations I need before going to China. Staying in Beijing should reduce the number required, but there should still be some. Not to mention the moles I want removing on the back of my neck (attractive, I know).

That's about it for now. In the meantime, I invite you all to cheer on my beloved Brighton & Hove Albion as they push for a play-off place.


Monday, 17 March 2008

Shopping List

* Teeline for Journalists (Shorthand writing)
* Mandarin for Dummies (is there anything they don't do?) - still to buy
* Modern China - A Very Short Introduction (Could be interesting. It's a country full of contradictions, according to the blurb)

The three above books (when I've bought Mandarin for Dummies) should probably take up most of my time over the next four months. I feel a bit proud of myself for learning the shorthand alphabet, but to be honest that was a while ago. Since when I was a bit sidelined by work, and the occasional desire to drink a lot of alcohol. Which of course immediately destroys an entire weekends work. Still, I shall pick it up again on Thursday, owing to uni commitments today, tomorrow and Wednesday. If I can work out anyway of showing the fruits of my efforts on this blog, I shall do so.

In the meantime, I have to book several doctors appointments over the next few weeks. I have been advised to get the following vaccinations:
  • Typhoid
  • Hepatitis A
  • Diphtheria
  • TB
  • Hepatitis B
  • Rabies (!)
  • Japanese B Encephalitis
  • Yellow Fever
  • Tick-borne Encephalitis
In addition to these, I think it's probably a sensible idea to remove a couple of moles from the back of my neck, as Central Asia in the middle of summer will probably mean a lot of sun. Don't hate me England. In addition to this, I'd like to remove another small mole near my chin, which I end up cutting almost every time I shave.

Still, these would probably qualify as occupational hazards for most, just one of the ones you don't hear about. Journalism - not as glamourous as it would first appear.

Thursday, 13 March 2008

The story begins!

Hello, and welcome to my China blog! My name is Nick, I'm 23 and I'm currently studying International Broadcast Journalism at Sheffield Hallam University. Earlier this year, I underwent a series of tests and interviews in order to try and gain a place working at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, in the press pit. And last week, I got the call telling me that I had been successful in my efforts - I'm flying out in July.

As you may have guessed, this is a fairly big thing. Even if you ignore the fact that the furthest I've actually flown is Italy (and I didn't enjoy the hour-long flight there, never mind halfway round the world), the opportunities for my career that this trip represents are massive. Which is why I've decided to try and make the most of this. Over the next few months, I will desperately attempting to learn:
  • At least a basic grasp of Mandarin
  • A working knowledge of shorthand
  • The names of at least some of the British rowing team
This is alongside my efforts to learn how to drive, and my efforts to complete the course with at least a half-decent grade. This blog will represent my preparations for the games, the build-up abroad, and a frequent update of my life over abroad. This, along with my rather light-hearted writing style, should make an interesting read for all of you. If I was you, I'd subscribe to this blog, and perhaps even bookmark the page. It'll be worth it in the long run.
