Friday, 6 June 2008

Big Bore

There are downsides to being a journalist, it isn't all glitz and glamour. One of these downsides is having to know about popular culture. To this end, I endured the torture known as Big Brother last night, so I'd have an idea as to which fame-hungry idiots were in the house this year. When it finished, I had to switch over to Question time afterwards to stop my brain dribbling out of my ears (which haven't been the same since due to the non-stop screaming).

You may wonder why I'm putting this in a blog about my China trip. Well, the answers simple. By my calculations, a show that began yesterday and lasts for 93(!) days should be ending in the first week of September. I return to the country on the 19th. Huzzah!

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

One month to go...

When I started this blog, I set myself 3 tasks. I wanted to develop a basic grasp of Mandarin before my trip, a working knowledge of shorthand writing, and to learn some of the names of the British rowing team. With a month to go, have I been able to do any of the following? Well, I know how to call someone mad in Mandarin (Sung Ching Ping), but that's about it. Shorthand has stalled, and the only rower I can name of the top of my head in Steve Redgrave. And I doubt he'll be competing.

So what have I spent my time doing? Far too much uni work, driving lessons and making some vague preparations before I go. I have done some work and training with the uni, so I don't think I can be accused of being too lazy. Funding is still looking like an issue though, so if anyone reading this knows of any charitable trusts/rich relatives, please let me know. I'm waiting to hear from the local rotary club & the uni is waiting to hear from the lottery, so here's hoping that'll sort itself out.

I also need to start thinking about what I need to take with me. New clothes are the obvious one - a few new t-shirts, replacing some older and inappropriate ones (I'm not sure what the Chinese would make of a Che Guevara t-shirt, but it's not the sort of thing you want to leave to chance). I've also been advised to stock up on shower gel, shampoo, razor blades, toothpaste etc. Electricity adaptors would also be useful, and I need to get my laptop sorted before I go out there, along with much more university work than I would particularly like.

Finally, I've been advised the best way to beat jetlag is to tap into the bodies emergency adrenaline source, which comes into play when you don't eat anything. Therefore, I need to avoid eating anything on the plane. Should be easy.